Living Behavior and Desirable Housing Styles of Gay Males, A Case Study of Relatively Middle-Income Groups

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Jedsada Pimsawat


Thailand is receptive to gender diversity including gay males, which is defined as a population of LGBT individuals, with upper-middle incomes. There is a distinct preference for consuming, as well as a selection of distinct locations and activities. Dwelling is also one of them, this can be considered more accessible for people in the LGBT community nowadays than in the past. Therefore, the research is interested in examining the ideal housing qualities for the gay males with upper-middle incomes. The research objectives were to study the relationship between the socio-economic as well as the dwelling pattern of the gay males with upper-middle incomes and to study the relationship of results, in gay males who have medium to high income, residential criteria, which are considered of near their working places, facilities, and transportation.

The research found that most of the gay males with upper-middle incomes earn over 100,000 baht per month, and the majority of their dwellings are condominiums, which are differentiated into two types: nearby the facilities and nearby the working areas with accessibility to the electric train as the main mode of transit. In terms of dwelling pattern, it was found that 1) this group of gay males selection characteristic is choosing a residence near the working areas 2) since a group of gay males relationship characteristics is temporary, they need to choose convenient accommodations that fit the activities and destinations they intend to travel 3) as this group of individuals has upper-middle incomes, their dwelling is greater in size based on their incomes and capacity to afford admirable housing 4) there are two classifications of future housing planning. The first classification will be purchasing larger dwellings in the future because it is correlated with higher incomes, enabling them to buy larger residences nearby the working areas, while the second classification will be selecting residences nearby the facilities, which will be the current places as they already selected the size and style of dwellings that are appropriate for long-term living.

In conclusion, gay males will be content with dwellings that enable them to be in accordance with activities that they consider suitable for their lifestyle. It was also found that living nearby the working areas and nearby to facilities were preferred. Both of these characteristics have uncomplicated access to transportation. If the selection criteria are suitable, this group will also have the ability to the ideal dwellings.p.

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