Factors Affecting in Radiation Oncology Area, Department of Radiology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society: A Case Study of Linear Accelerator-Based Radiotherapy

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Sasipa Onthong
Triwat Viryasiri
Kullathida Sangnin


Radiation oncology is a difficult field to design in. This is due to the fact that it is a space that must handle both inpatients and outpatients. There are people from many occupations working together. Radiation therapy is an extremely difficult procedure. To guarantee that the radiation therapy process runs smoothly, careful planning is essential. As a result, it's critical to design the radiology area to be user-friendly and to improve the service process. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors that influence the physical characteristics of radiotherapy and oncology areas. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society in Abdulrahim Building, Elizabeth Chakrabongse Building, Luan - Permpoon Vongvanich Building and Rattana Wittayapat Building which is the service area of the radiation oncology area, department of radiology by studying the particle accelerator section which is the most widely used radiation equipment in Thailand

According to the result of the research, the factors influence the physical characteristics of the field of radiotherapy and oncology: 1. Radiotherapy equipment with varying radiation energies, the radiation beam is of a different type, It has a different impact on the floor plan and the design of the radiation shielding wall. 2. Radiation protection is a factor that determines the layout of the building's area and interior layout based on usage and the risk of radiation exposure. It is also taken into account when designing the radiation room floor plan to fit the area. 3. The need for space usage has changed as a result of advances in technology. or the expansion of radiotherapy and oncology The design of the space should be adaptable. capable of supporting potential future changes

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