Approaches to Handle the Issue of Exceeding Supplies to be Aligned with the Demands for Housing of the Employees in Amata Nakorn: A Case Study of a Housing Project in Panthong, Chongburi.

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Chamawit Seanwiangchan


According to preliminary study, it was revealed that in 2019, the number of housing units in Chonburi Province rose by 28% and increased in 2020 and 2021.  At the same time, the amount of consumers' housing purchasing power decreased by -44.8% in quantity to the point of causing housing Oversupply.

Meanwhile, it was found that due to the COVID-19 epidemic situation, not only the industrial sector has been affected, but the industries have also benefited from and been less affected by the epidemic of COVID-19.  As a result, the researcher was interested to study demand of workers in this industrial type that derived benefit therefrom whether there was demand for housing or not and the nature of the problems, limitations.

The above study findings have led to the results of research on housing supply and demand in Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate in Phan Thong District, Chonburi Province.  It was found that the number of dwellings in Phan Thong District included 14,524 housing units and a total of 3,168 unsold housing units.  About demand of workers in Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate, it was revealed that this group has still have the purchasing power and demanded to buy housing.

From the representative sample of 421 persons, demand for housing could be divided into 2 groups.  That is to say, 197 sampled persons demanded housing by deciding to purchase immediately, accounting for 46.8 percent and 221 sampled persons demanded to purchase, but were delaying decisions, equaling 52.2 percent.  About the opportunities and the likelihood that the supply would meet demand, it was likely that the level of housing price was consistent with the level of housing loan ability. It was found that when personal income of demand was used to calculate th ability to apply for maximum housing loan, there was possible ownership of housing in the price range from less than 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 baht.   The location of housing supply was consistent with the travel time of workers in the industrial estate.  It was revealed that most demand persons spent 15-20 minutes and more than 20 minutes, but not exceeding 30 minutes traveling from their current housing to work.  There was the possibility of deciding to purchase housing in all locations in ​Phan Thong District.   Regarding the type of housing consistent with the number of co-living members, it was found that most demand persons included 1-3 co-living members.  There was likelihood of deciding to buy housing of condominium, townhouse, semi-detached house, detached house and commercial building types.  However, it can be seen that perceiving opportunities in various crises remains the cornerstone in adapting and solving crises.   Such study results can be beneficial to real estate operators.

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