Community Participatory Process in the Development of Abandoned Area Beneath an Expressway: A Case Study of Lan Kila Phat 2

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Supatja Angsuwan
Awae Masae


Bangkok metropolitan has various empty spaces under the expressways which are mostly adjacent to urban slum communities, abandoned with problems, and waiting to be improved for utilization. In order to sustainably utilize the area, the surrounding communities should participate actively in the development process. This study aimed to investigate: 1. problems of abandoned areas under the expressways and their effects on the residents living near the Lan Kila Phat 2; 2. the development process of transforming the abandoned area under the expressway to a sports ground appropriated for the urban community context; and 3. roles of relevant organizations in supporting the development of the abandoned area under the expressway to be Lan Kila Phat 2. The research operation followed the qualitative research methodology. Data were collected by means of in-depth interview with 15 key informants who were involved in the development of Lan Li. Results revealed as follows: 1. prior to the development of the area to become Lan Kila Phat 2, residents of nearby communities were affected by an unsafe and unpleasant environment resulted from the abandonment of the area; 2. the development process of Lan Kila Phat 2 focused on participation of members of nearby communities in various steps corresponding to the bottom-up development approach including the appointment of a working committee to be a supporting mechanism for the long-term participatory management of the area; and 3. the transformation of the abandoned area under the expressway to be Lan Kila Phat 2 was supported by various relevant organizations including the owner of the area, governmental and non-governmental organizations, that provided assistances to enable the utilization of the area, financial support for the construction, and enhancement of community participation in the management of the area to promote the concrete community-based development movement.

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