Landscape Characteristics and Changes Associated with the Irrigation Systems of the Ancient City of Sukhothai

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Puncharad Iamprasertkul


The current urban transformation is due to expansion that lacks consideration of topography and location is suitable for the settlement. It affects the ancient urban landscape, urban environment and irrigation system design planning have been in place since the past. The conservation and development of the city should therefore take into the wisdom of the past in relation to the ancient city irrigation systems of Sukhothai and the changes in irrigation systems affecting the present.
This research began with the research of secondary research papers related to irrigation and the archaeological history brought to the study site. Study aerial photographs to analyze schematic data showing changes from the past to the present, combined with interviews with expert archaeologists who can provide historical information of past irrigation systems. Based on the above data collection to explore the repository of the study area, notice the current changes in space to analysis and conclusions.
Based on the study of landscape characteristics associated with irrigation systems, the ancient city of Sukhothai can be divided into irrigation systems in the city wall zone and outside the city wall zone, demonstrating an understanding of the topography from the slopes that can supply water and retain enough water for consumption and agriculture. As the population grew, the conditions of the ancient urban areas were reduced, being transformed into new urban habitats that intervened in the flow of water to moat and canals. The ability to retain water and drain water inevitably decreases. As a result, the city can eventually experience flooding or drought conditions.

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