Urban Expansion on the Riverscape in Warin Chumrap and Meung District Ubon Ratchathani Province, Using Satellite Images Data for Land Cover Changes Detection

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Supawich Rojsaranrom
Danai Thaitakoo


Rivers systems plays a significant role in sustaining life on Earth (Brierley, 2020). They are one of the significant criteria for human settlements, infrastructure, and production for several thousand years to serve human needs (McGaugh, 1970; Bock et al., 2018). In the past, human settlements had patterns that represented their adaptation and reliability on natural environment and its conditions. Unlike today’s cities that ignore those conditions and the natural processes such as flood pulse are seen to be problematic and detrimental to cities. This study used data form satellite remote sensing and the land cover classification method to define the riverscape boundary and detect the landcover change from the urban expansion in the Mun riverscape in Warin Chamrap and Meung Ubonratchathani.

This study showed the land cover change from agricultural lands and lowland forests to built-up areas in the riverscape which expan from the city that inconsistent with the riverscape conditions. The result reflects the changing lifestyles and relation of humans and the rivers that cause problems and permanently damage to the riverscape and the river ecosystem and also cause repeated damage to the city.

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