Landscape Ecological Classification of the Estuary: A Fundamental Understanding for Trang River Estuary and Human Use

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Yanisa Piyakamolnirun
Danai Thaitakoo


This research aims to, first, provide a fundamental understanding of Trang River Estuary and Human Use by compare and analyze the literature reviews and classify the structure of estuary landscape. Second, to serve as a guide for landscape estuary classification in tropical climate and lead to estuary management plan in the future. This study compares the estuary classification method and synthesizes the guideline for Trang River Estuary application. The structures of estuary landscape are integrated by remote sensing data, the geographic information system: GIS, and object-based image analysis. After that we investigate the relation of the estuary landscape structures and human use.

The structures of estuary landscape are categorized to Cultural Land Cover (CLC), Estuarine Habitats (EH), and Upland Habitats (UH). The results show correlation of estuary landscape structures and human use. Illustrated by the series of estuary landscape section, the settlement of urban values the location, accessibility, and landform. The mouth of Trang River has high hydrodynamic that is different for human uses. Surrounded areas with fewer hydrodynamic are used for agriculture and small villages. Therefore, Hydrodynamic has both benefits and challenges for estuary landscape.

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