Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort of Displacement Ventilation Cooling Using Fanless Split Air-conditioner

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Supattra Sukmuang
Atch Sreshthaputra


The purposes of this research aimed to evaluate the comfort efficiency and study the energy saving efficiency of the prototype air conditioner. The fanless split air conditioner was examined in a simulation room with a size of 1.60 x 2.70 x 2.60 m. by using lamps of 5W, 10W and 15W respectively to add the variables. In such room, a 12-channel thermometer was installed accompanied by a dry-wet bulb temperature, a power recorder meter and a dehumidifier. The length of the research was short, conducted in November, 2022, (the beginning of winter) based on an examination period of 24 hours of 1 day under the room temperature of Khon Kaen Province. According to the result, it was found that the air conditioning system continued operating without system shutdown or restarting for a minimum of 24 hours. The results also showed that the average temperature gradually decreased every 2 hours, and the air cooling is evenly distributed as the air conditioner was operating continuously over 6 hours. Nonetheless, it was notable that the relative humidity was rarely different from the prior experiments. As per the evaluation of comfort efficiency, it was found that the temperature throughout the experiment was within the comfort standard of Thai people (temperatures of 27.5 - 28.53 degrees Celsius), and a relative humidity of not over 70%. In conclusion, the energy saving of this air conditioner was 26.5% and increase in comfort of 8.164%, with an average temperature of 26°C and a relative humidity of 64.5%RH. Considered more efficient than the conventional air conditioners, but its humidity is also a significant factor worth noting. Dehumidification guidelines should be developed and further improved for the enhanced performance to achieve higher efficiency, be able to use the fanless split air conditioner with its full capacity and develop the split-type air conditioners for household uses to save more energy.

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