Factors Affecting Generation Y’s Decision to Purchase Origin Property PLC’s Condominiums and Townhouses Priced between 3-5 Million Baht during The Covid-19 Crisis

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Kasidit Techavichien
Trirat Jarutat


The Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the social and economic sectors, particularly in the main sector of the real estate industry. It was utterly altered, and will not revert to the way it was. Both elements have an impact on the group of customer and the decision to buy a dwelling. A group of generation y have a truly desire to buy and reside in both housing estates and high-rise estates. They were intended to be the primary target for real estate businesses that showed a great deal of interest both during Covid-19 and after Covid-19. The researcher is interested in studying the factors that influencing generation y's decision for buying condominiums and townhouses during Covid-19 with control factors that are the same location, price, and company. In order to compare the factors that influencing generation y's decision for buying homes dwelling.

The finding reveals that the statistics sample, the ages of 29 to 35 (Y2), makes up the majority of condominium buyers. The marketing mix, Covid-19, and location are the first three variables that have an impact on buying decisions. The majority sample of townhouse buyers is, the ages of 22 to 28 (Y1). Covid-19, marketing mix, and product are the first three variables that affect consumer decisions. When making a decision to buy a home during the Covid-19 crisis, the two key considerations in general are the marketing mix and Covid-19. The Covid-19 factor had no impact on customers' ability to make purchases, During Covid-19 the sales of real estate projects made the purchase process faster, and the marketing mix factor, which includes discounts and promotions, shortened the time it took customer to make that decision. The average length time of purchasing dwelling during Covid-19 is one month or less.

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