Risk Management of Firefighting and Rescue Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Phra Khanong District, Bangkok

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Worawat Jaikla
Sutee Anantsuksomsri


The pandemic of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was a public health emergency creating problems and obstacles in the fire and rescue operations in Phra Khanong District. This research studies risk management, awareness, coping, adaptation, prevention, and mitigation of COVID-19 at the fire and rescue station in Phra Khanong District to present a guideline for risk management. The main research methods are the observation of the daily lives of 202 staff and residents and the interviews of 15 participants. The data are analyzed in SWOT framework and presented as the risk management guideline. The study finds that the strengths of the management are personal protective equipment for every staff on duty, controllable enclosed workspace, and support facility in the case that the station is closed. The weaknesses are the staff’s wariness about the epidemic when they must work together and insufficient number of staff. The opportunities are collaboration with other agencies, such as public health centers, district offices, and volunteers. Lastly, the threats are the uncertainty of the pandemic and insufficient medicine and vaccine for staff. The study also suggests defensive strategies focusing on preventing the epidemic and helping affected staffs and residents by mandates as well as adaptive strategies focusing on building confidence, reducing anxiety, increasing capacity, recognizing threats, and adapting to cope with re-infections or emerging diseases. In addition, the study suggest that the guideline must have the guideline for risk management must be clear, unified, efficient, and effective leading to adjustable strategies suitable for the uncertainty and continuity of operations.

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