Sculpture for Creative Placemaking and Public Engagement Activities in Public Spaces: A Case Study of Bangkok Art Biennale 2022

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Korawan Prasertsri
Shusak Janpathompong


Creative placemaking is a concept aimed at fostering connections between people and spaces by integrating art and culture in public spaces. Bangkok Art Biennale 2022, between 22 October 2022 - 23 February 2023, was an international contemporary art exhibition showcased in Bangkok's important public spaces, which are relatively new in the traditional Thai context.

The objective of this study was to conduct a comparative physical quality analysis of locations and to comprehend people's behavior in the presence and absence of the artwork. The methodology was a multiple-case study research exhibit areas of temporary sculpture by systematic data collection, 

observation, and casual interviews. Then evaluated by attributes of Placemaking concept.

The results found that the presence of art did not affect the number of people, but the variety and nature of activities. Physical factors cause different behaviors between people and the artwork, such as visual access and spatial enclosure. Therefore, selecting an exhibit location should consider the mounting location, ability to facilitate public activities, and be proportional to the human scale, other surrounding activities, and the appropriate size of enclosed space per number of people determine the intensity of the activities.

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