Timber Structural Pattern of the Residential Building in Sri Prachan Old Market Community

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Patsakorn Pattanapongsakorn
Songkiat Teartisup


This research, part of the thesis requirement, analyses the timber bending behavior for residential buildings in a case study of the Sri Prachan old market community, Suphanburi. This research aims to examine the wooden beam characteristics, analyze the timber structural pattern, compare the structures, and summarize the results.

            The researcher conducted a comparative study through field surveys. The data collection included photographs, floor plans, side views, cross sections, and building structures. The data were then categorized into the building basic information, analyzed among 18 buildings cases, and concluded into the structural pattern of timber residential buildings

            According to the study, the most common type of buildings is wooden floor structures placed on joints and wooden beams, square poles, and single or double beams. The wall structure is a wooden wall frame overlaid with horizontal scales while the roof structure is a wooden structure with a shed (roof sloping backward). Although numerous buildings are two-story wooden houses, they differ in some parts. The factors affecting the timber structure include the location, usable area size, building size, and upgrading or building addition.

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