Designing with Precast Concrete for Small Government Office Buildings: A Case Study of the Office of the National Anti–Corruption Commission

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Nattan Athisthanyawas
Bundit Chulasai


Currently, there is a trend towards constructing buildings using prefabricated components, especially in buildings with repetitive units or small-sized buildings with similar layouts, such as condominiums and housing estates. This study aims to explore the potential of using prefabricated components in small-sized buildings with similar layouts through a case study of the Office of The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), designed by the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning.

The NACC office buildings have been constructed in many provinces, with a size of 1,170 sq.m. and a uniform design consisting of three floors. The first floor of the NACC office building includes a reception, a document room, and office space units. The second floor comprises a storage room, a multi-purpose room, an executive office, and office space units. The third floor consists of a courtroom, a strong room, and a meeting room. From the study, it was found that the usable areas could be classified into three sizes: small, including document rooms, secretary offices, courtrooms, and storage areas; medium, including lobbies, multi-purpose rooms, strong rooms, and executive offices; and large, including office spaces for each unit and meeting rooms. Regarding the construction methods using prefabricated components, the use of wall-bearing systems is suitable for small and medium-sized spaces, while the use of column-beam systems is suitable for medium and large spaces.

 Therefore, three proposed approaches are suggested for the construction of NACC office buildings using prefabricated components. Approach 1 combines column-beam systems with prefabricated floor and external wall components, utilizing lightweight partition walls to divide the interior spaces. Approach 2 uses wall-bearing systems but requires reconfiguring the floor plans, placing small-sized spaces on the lower floors and large-sized spaces on the upper floors. Approach 3 utilizes a hybrid system, where wall-bearing systems are used in small and medium-sized spaces, and additional beams are introduced for wider spans in large-sized units.

Furthermore, other prefabricated components, such as doors, windows, roofs, and decorative elements, can also be employed.

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