The Impact of Government Measures on Raft-House Community, Uthai Thani Municipality, Uthai Thani

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Wanchaloem Chuadnut
Nattawut Preyawanit


This research aims to examine the government measures, encompassing legal regulations, policies, and development initiatives related to the raft-house community along the Sakae Krang River, and to investigate their impact on this community within Uthai Thani Municipality, Uthai Thani Province. Qualitative research methods were employed, involving document review and in-depth interviews with 20 members of the raft-house community. Additionally, application of geographic information technology was also utilized for spatial analysis, concurrently with qualitative data analysis, to elucidate the multifaceted consequences of government measures on the raft-house community.

The study revealed that state measures affecting the raft-house community in the Sakae Krang River area can be categorized into 2 main aspects: (1) The Legal regulations, including the Navigation Act of Thailand B.E. 2456 and the Uthai Thani Municipality Ordinance; (2) The Policies, plans, and projects, such as the Sakae Krang River Promenade Project, flood prevention-related construction projects, and the Stable Communities for Raft-House Community project. These government measures have had both positive and negative impacts on the raft-house community includes (1) The legal impact has implications for the allocation and increment of floating homes due to the absence of municipal policies governing the expansion of floating homes in the area. (2) The positive impact stemming from relevant policies, plans, or projects includes an infrastructure framework that enhances accessibility to floating homes in certain areas. Additionally, it promotes conservation efforts and economic development within the community.The negative impacts that have occurred involve changes in the configuration of mooring locations (relocation of floating homes) and difficulties in accessing floating homes in certain areas. Suggestions have been made to amend the laws regarding the mooring of floating homes to align with the context of the Sakae Krang River, as well as to adjust the legal framework to support the sustainability and increase in the number of floating homes. Regarding policies, plans, and projects being implemented in the region,
it is advisable to increase community participation in the implementation process for the sustainable existence of the floating community in the Sakae Krang River area in Uthai Thani Province.

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