Japanese Martial Arts Architecture

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panyawat supapitakpong


This research article takes phenomenological approach in order to begin to understand the spirit of Budo martial arts architecture and the ways in which the possibilities of architectural atmosphere might be generated in three-dimensional forms of diagram. The primary sources of this research article are 1). The analytical drawings of Budo martial arts architecture, 12 plans in total, which have been collected from academic journals and reports. These plans include Shuri Castle (ฺBuilt 1322 AD), Nikko Tosho Gu (Built 1617 AD), Eisho-Ji Temple (Built 1636 AD), Dai Nippon Butokai (Built 1895 AD), Old Kyoto Budo Center (Built 1899 AD), Toshugu Budokuden (Built 1915 AD) through to Saigoku (Built 2017 AD) 2). The interviews of specialists and students of the Association of Japanese Martial Arts of Thailand that currently needs practicalities for training, organising competitions, and most of all, architecture that expresses the spirit of Budo, based on the practice of samurai warriors.

The theoretical framework for this research article comes from the work of German philosopher Martin Heidegger entitled The Origin of the Work of Art (2002) and In Praise of Shadows (1977), written by Junichiro Tanizaki. The literature review is divided into two parts. The first part covers the historical context of Budo martial arts architecture. The second part deals with phenomenology in Japanese architecture, such as how 'darkness and mystery' play the important roles in achieving ideal aesthetics, known as 'yugen'.

            The results of this research are, first of all, the proposed design process of translating Budo body movements into architectural diagrams that convey Budo spirit, which consists of Sin (mind) Gi (skill) Tai (body). This research systematically documents a series of photograph of bodily movements of Budo technique named ‘Seienchin’. Secondly, the research result demonstrates the design possibilities of Budo architecture that combines Budo spirit by using bodily movements diagrams with the structure of Budo significant buildings.

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