Design Guidelines for an Environment Suitable for the Elderly in Hospices in Thailand

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Paitinee Jintakanon
Trirat Jaratach


Hospice for elderly people is a novel concept in Thailand about which people lack awareness and understanding concerning ways to systematically manage it. In fact, Hospice is essential in Thailand due to disproportionately expensive bed occupancy fees at hospitals, leading to the inability of the terminally ill to afford hospital beds for long periods of time. The current research endeavor aimed to study and present the appropriate physical environment for hospice in Thailand, especially for senior people, by means of a survey to collect physical information of the case studies, and in-depth interviews with the users and experts. The information is collectively used to draw a conclusion.

The results revealed that hospice gives the top priority to the accommodation segment, especially patients’ rooms which are in use the most. However, there were other areas that did not sufficiently respond to all uses. Therefore, the appropriate design of the environment for elderlies in hospice should take familiarity into account, allowing them to be comfortable in the place where they receive care, along with the appropriateness of the place for therapy. In addition, hospice necessarily responds to palliative medical needs, the variety of uses, and comprehensive standards of safety, in order to enhance the terminal stage of life and having a good death in Thailand.

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