Factors of Decision Making in Selecting Condominiums Around Mass Rapid Transit Station: Case Studies of Samyan and Talat Phlu

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Sasina Kaewsuk
Trirat Jarutach


Rapid mass transit has been considered the most critical factor affecting the growth of condominiums for over a decade. A massive expansion of condominiums has been witnessed around the BTS and MRT, rendering condominiums a major accommodation for people in modern days.

The current research endeavor aimed to study socioeconomic conditions, factors, and objectives pertinent to decision making in selecting condominiums around mass rapid transit stations by employing Samyan and Talat Phlu as the case studies. The study delved into the opinions of both buyers and renters as well as their future plans in accommodation adjustments. Data were collected from four hundred questionnaires distributed to residents in four condominiums in both studied areas. Two hundred of them came from two condominiums around Samyan and the other half came from two condominiums around Talat Phlu. The statistics were analyzed using SPSS.

The results revealed that the majority of condominium buyers and renters around Samyan and Talat Phlu were 26-45-year-old working individuals whose monthly income ranged from 20,001 to 60,000 Baht and students who were 25 years old or younger who studied close to the condominium locations. Condominiums around Samyan were located in Pathumwan, Bangrak, and Sathorn, while those around Talat Phlu were in Thonburi as well as Pathumwan, Bangrak, and Sathorn. All three districts are central business districts. Most buyers of condominiums in both areas were those who never rented them, whereas the most popular reason for buying was for accommodation and most bought the condominiums as their first residences because they are located in the spots which offered convenience in commuting to work. However, renters of condominiums in both areas had no interest in buying them because there was a possibility that they change their jobs and they did not want an additional financial burden. Besides, the most crucial factor influencing their decision making was the locations and facilities which included a swimming pool, a fitness center, and parking spaces. Also, the factors pertaining the rooms were prices, sizes, and room layouts.

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