Connected City with Age-friendly Streets and Pedestrians: A Case Study of Bang Rak Area, Bangkok

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Sritara Klinrod
Nattakrist Supakornpinthakoopt
Nattapong Pradisthum
Puttigun Pongpidjayamaad
Saksit Somanat


This research aims to analyze spatial data to assess the suitability of streets and pedestrians connecting to public transportation for the elderly in Bang Rak Area. The study proposes guidelines for developing infrastructure that fosters equitable access to the city for the elderly. Employing a mixed research method, the investigation includes a literature review, surveys to gather current spatial context information, and analysis of data from map tools and surveys across different times of the day in October 2023. Observations and spatial behavior recordings are utilized to synthesize and evaluate potential based on criteria derived from the concept of a connected city with elderly-friendly infrastructure. Comparative analyses are conducted to suggest diverse forms of guidelines for road and sidewalk development.

The study reveals Bang Rak Area's pedestrian-friendly accessibility and connectivity to diverse public transport, indicating its significance as a spatial transfer hub. Evaluation based on seven main criteria and 25 sub-criteria establishes the subdistrict as possessing a moderately compact pedestrian network linked to public transportation. Recommendations include the development of a flexible pedestrian network to enhance environmental connectivity and safety. Challenges persist in elderly pedestrian behavior, particularly in areas requiring cautious navigation. Remedial measures involve a continuous sidewalk network supplementing road connectivity to enhance efficiency and improve elderly-friendly infrastructure. Prioritizing such improvements aligns with the fundamental rights of the elderly and contributes to an inclusive urban development strategy. Emphasizing the universal importance of sidewalks promotes accessibility rights for all, fostering a synergistic development context across social, economic, and environmental dimensions in Bang Rak Area.

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