Signage in the Outpatient Buildings of Large Government Hospitals

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Suratchana Thanadechdamrongsiri


Signage in hospitals is crucial for communication and convenience for service users. Effective management and design are essential. Hospitals consist of various buildings with different facilities, catering to diverse needs. Navigation and communication within the premises are vital, considering the diverse range of users, including administrators, staff, doctors, nurses, patients, and visitors. Appropriate signage not only facilitates quick navigation but also communicates essential health information, reception processes, and reduces waiting times.

Current study reveals that signage in large public hospital outpatient buildings poses several challenges for users. Issues include a high quantity and variety of signs, inconsistent formats causing confusion. This study aims to investigate, collect, analyze, and categorize signage within hospital premises. It also aims to study formats and types of signage using a case study approach in four large public hospitals in Bangkok. Signage types are categorized based on their utility, type, and material. Additionally, it compares with regulations and standards of healthcare service systems.

Study findings reveal that hospital signs typically utilize the institution's color scheme and often opt for space-efficient installations, as well as durable materials with lightweight properties for easy maintenance. The text and background colors of the signs should contrast, ensuring clear visibility, and relevant symbols should be incorporated to enhance communication clarity. However, regulations and standards in healthcare service systems do not specifically dictate the details regarding colors and formats of signage. Interview results indicate that color choices are made considering interior space divisions within the building and the hospital's identity.

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