Applying 5D-BIM to Improve the Quantity Takeoff: A Case Study of Educational and Laboratory Building Construction Project

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Somjintana Kanangkaew
Natee Suriyanon
Warawit Eakintumas
Pongammard Kanangkaew


According to the quantity takeoff and cost estimation process using the two-dimensional drawings, there may be errors in the process due to misunderstanding by quantity surveyors, leading to incorrect quantities and construction prices. In recent years, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been implemented in construction projects to create drawings and present the physical characteristics of construction projects in three-dimensional (3-D) visualization. This study aims to propose the application of 5D-BIM, which integrated the information of time scheduling and cost estimation into a 3D model, to improve quantity takeoff and compare the differences between quantities from Autodesk Revit and the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), of the Educational and Laboratory Building construction project at the Nakhon Ratchasima Technical College. The results showed that applying 5D-BIM for quantity takeoff in construction projects can reduce work time, verify the accuracy of construction drawings, decrease errors in quantity takeoff, and enhance the understanding of quantity surveyors' work compared to traditional methods. Additionally, the average percentage comparison between quantities in structural, architectural, and sanitary works from Autodesk Revit and Bill of Quantities (BOQ) are less than 2.69%, 4.12%, and 8.43%, respectively.

In conclusion, the quantity of work from Autodesk Revit offers more accuracy by eliminating duplicate measurements inherent in traditional methods. For instance, traditional measurement of structural concrete elements includes floor, beam, and column, which overlap and cause double counting. On the other hand, Autodesk Revit measures each element separately for the precise quantity of work.

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