Guidelines for Developing Low-rise into High-rise Affordable Residences to Increase Green Space in the Phase 2 -The Raminthra Urban Renewal of the National Housing Authority

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Panupong Siriyanon


As a result of the development and expansion of government infrastructure, the city has expanded into suburban areas. Therefore, there has been the development of housing that is appropriate for the ever-changing urban context. And because it is a city with a higher density of buildings, project development in the form of redevelopment represents the process of developing limited land to restore the original physical structure. and increases living space and usable space. In addition, the development of the area must take into account open space and green space, which must be provided adequately to meet the needs of residents in the area. The National Housing Authority has a policy to allocate housing in the city to make it more stable and orderly. Reduce the problem of urban slums in line with the direction of urban development. Raise the quality of life to develop housing in urban communities. (20-year Housing Development Master Plan 2017-2036, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security) Therefore, the Raminthra City Rehabilitation Project was born, which is one of the main projects according to this development master plan.

This research aims to study and present guidelines for developing the area of the Raminthra Urban Renewal Project-Phase 2, which was originally a residential project with low-rise into high-rise. To add open space and green space to the project in accordance with the project development plan of the National Housing Authority. Including guidelines for developing the area to be more beneficial according to the potential of the land where the project is located. In this research, related theories and requirements were studied, resulting in guidelines for choosing three alternatives, with building height being the determining variable in each alternative. By format 1, it is an 8-story building, which is the most common height in today's mixed-use residential developments. Format 2 and Format 3 The height of the building will be determined according to the National Housing Authority's development master plan, which is 15- stories and 35 stories, respectively. Each model must take into account three factors: (1) Housing standards of the National Housing Authority. (2) Increasing open space. Green area, which is a sustainable green area, and (3) The beneficial use of land and construction worthiness.

From the study of all Model 3 alternatives, it was concluded that Model 2 can be designed to have sustainable green space that is appropriate and sufficient for the residents of the project to increase residential units beyond the development master plan of the project. National Housing Authority, is more cost-effective in terms of construction than Model 3, and is appropriate for the current project location context.

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