Physical Environmental Standards for Elderly Care Projects of the Government Authority Organization

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Benyapa Sriuttha
Trirat Jarutach


"The elderly care center" is one type of service that is crucial for the elderly who are experiencing social issues, offering aid to the elderly who are in difficult and unpleasant situations, such as being abandoned, missing caretakers, lacking shelter, and living in poverty. However, based on performance evaluation reports and the effectiveness of elderly care operations of local government organizations for the elderly in fiscal C.E. 2017-2019, it was discovered that the living conditions for the elderly in elderly care centers operated by provincial administrative organizations did not meet standards. This had an influence on the elderly's quality of life since operations were not monitored and evaluated on a continual basis to ensure compliance with operational rules and elderly care standards. Furthermore, in 2020, the Ministry of Public Health announced the "Ministerial Regulations on Standards for Facilities, Safety, and Service Provision in Establishments for Elderly Care or Persons with Disabilities, C.E. 2020," which went into effect for government elderly care centers because they are considered establishments providing elderly care services and have to comply with the particular requirements in order to avoid service suspension. However, no registration of government elderly care centers under the previously mentioned rules has been located. As a result, the study focused on this issue, with the objective of investigating the existing physical environment conditions of government elderly care centers in order to assess and compare the various physical environment circumstances of connected state-run elderly care institutions based on facility requirements. Additionally, suggestions for upgrading the physical environment of government elderly care centers will be presented. The study sample consists of 8 case studies involving director and staff members in the government elderly care centers.

The research resulted that the general physical environment accomplishes standards, mostly in the service areas and entrances. However, additional improvements to restrooms are required, such as the installation of grab bars in bathing areas and along restroom walkways. These modifications were made for better safety for elderly users. In order to meet facilities standards requirements, researchers advised basic environmental modifications based on problems noticed at the government elderly care center. Furthermore, the issue requires that the government set up specialists to make suitable modifications to the long-standing building structures. In the future, planning for space should take consideration of the different health situations of the elderly population.

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