Development Guidelines for Outdoor Spaces for the Elderly: A Case Study of the Khlong Plub Pla Community, Sap Sin Mai Community, Lert Suk Som Community, and Beung Yi Tho Community

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Pannita Srikumarn
Trirat Jarutat


Thailand's population structure has entered an "aging society" since 2005, defined by individuals aged 60 years and older comprising 10% of the total population. By the year 2022, Thailand's population saw the proportion of elderly individuals rise to 18.94% of the total population. This indicates a doubling of the elderly population in less than 20 years, signaling that seniors will soon become the majority demographic. However, Thailand currently lacks comprehensive strategies to cope with this situation, particularly in developing physical environments outside of buildings. Many communities still lack these spaces or appropriate management of these spaces for the elderly, resulting in seniors not engaging in activities outside their homes. This isolation poses risks of social detachment and subsequent mental health issues among the elderly in the future. Developing these spaces would create opportunities for seniors to relax, socialize, and participate in health-promoting activities within their communities.

This research originates from a mixed-methods study comprising qualitative research through surveys and interviews, as well as quantitative research through interviews, aims to explore concepts and theories related to developing suitable external environments for the elderly. It analyzes their needs, problems, and constraints and proposes development strategies. The study includes four case studies: the Khlong plub pla community, Sap sin mai community, Lert suk som community, and Beung yi tho community. (Piyawarom village). Findings indicate that each community has developed external environments catering to the elderly, categorized into four types: recreational areas, exercise areas, relaxation areas, and kitchen garden areas. These areas are typically clustered together in the front to central parts of the community for easy accessibility. However, some communities exhibit dispersed allocations of these areas throughout, resulting in increased budgetary demands for maintenance and limited comprehensive care. Moreover, common issues across communities include deteriorated spaces, lack of shade, and neglected areas due to budgetary constraints and insufficient upkeep. Recommendations include consolidating central area management to alleviate maintenance burdens, scheduling open hours for community-owned spaces, assigning space caretakers, installing durable seating with supportive railings for elderly in central areas and pathways, ensuring safe pedestrian pathways, and enhancing shade provision through tree planting.

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