Monitoring Results of Housing Projects with Occupation: Case Study of Elderly and People with Disabilities in Cha-Long Krung and Rom Klao Projects of Ban Kheha Suk Pracha

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praewpatcg viruchkul
Trirat Jarutat


The home or dwelling is one of the four essential factors for human survival. According to the findings from the survey of the economic and social conditions of households conducted by the National Statistical Office in 2015, it was found that there were 5.87 million households without ownership rights to their dwelling, accounting for 27.5% of the total number of households nationwide. Based on this data, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has developed a 20-year Housing Development Master Plan (2020-2039) with the vision of "Every Thai has a secure and quality dwelling by 2039." In line with this vision, on June 30, 2020, the Cabinet approved the Ministry's proposal to provide housing for low-income individuals, aiming to construct 100,000 units within a 5-year period (2021-2025).  The National Housing Authority has developed the " Baan Keha Sookpracha " project to provide housing security for low-income groups during the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project targets low-income individuals, the elderly, persons with disabilities, vulnerable groups, low-ranking civil servants, retired civil servants, and those encroaching on public areas, aiming to ensure housing security for these populations. This thesis aims to monitor the progress of the project, as well as to study, analyze, and track the housing situation of the elderly and persons with disabilities in the Baan Keha Sookpracha project. The physical environment has an impact on the living conditions of the elderly and persons with disabilities, both physically and mentally. Therefore, monitoring the project's progress will provide guidance for improving the project to better meet the housing needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities in the future.

The study found that the majority of the elderly and persons with disabilities residing in the project for more than 6 months have an average household income of less than 10,000 baht per month. They chose to reside in the project due to the affordable rental rates and the single-story housing design. Comparing their living conditions before and after moving into the project, it was found that their quality of life improved significantly. Satisfaction with their living conditions was high, particularly in terms of housing size and economic aspects. Regarding employment, the study found that most of the elderly and persons with disabilities residing in the project do not engage in the occupations provided by the project due to physical limitations. Some are unable to participate in the project's occupational training due to the need to work for daily income. However, overall satisfaction with the project, including training, rental costs, project facilities, and location, was high. In conclusion, the project effectively meets the physical housing needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities, but it falls short in addressing their post-residence employment needs.

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