Suitable Tools for Thermal Comfort Evaluation in Air-conditioned Exercise Facilities

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Nuttamon Swangphol
Suphat Bunyarittikit
Chanin Thipyophas
Poon Khwansuwan


This research aims to create a research tool for studying the thermal comfort conditions of exercisers in air-conditioned exercise facilities. Using 1 exercise facility to test the tool, the research is conducted by reviewing the literature creating and testing a tool to measure the comfortable state of exercisers using a questionnaire. Along with measuring the air condition inside the exercise facility, results from a survey of the weather conditions in the exercise facility are analysed. Measurement is done hourly for 1 day during 15:00-19:00 hrs. There is an average air temperature of 27°C, average relative humidity of 53%RH, and average wind speed of 0.35 m/s, along with testing of research tools or questionnaires. From the results of testing the research tools, it can be concluded that the research tools of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 (2023) including the thermal sensation scale and preference scale are consistent with each other and are consistent with the measurement results in the same direction. The research tools of Kitchai Jitkhajornwanich (2013) including the acceptability scale and the velocity scale, are consistent with each other in the same direction. These research tools are worth developing further. As for the humidity scale, it was found to be inconsistent with acceptability scale due to the opposite answers to the questionnaire. Therefore, it is not worth for a further development. When looking at the consistency between all the tools, it was found that the thermal sensation scale, acceptability scale and velocity scale were consistent in the same direction. Therefore, from the test results of all tools, it can be concluded that the thermal sensation scale, preference scale, acceptability scale and velocity scale are worth for further development.

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