Attitudes towards Well-being Living of Residents in Condominiums Priced 2-3 Million Baht in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Naowarat Viwatborvornwong


The concept of well-being living has attracted significant attention, particularly within the vertical residential real estate sector. However, many modern condominium units are smaller than those in the past, which may impact residents' well-being. This research focuses on studying residents' attitudes toward well-being and analyzing the physical aspects of condominium components that affect well-being in condominiums priced between 2-3 million baht in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were collected through questionnaires from 470 residents and analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The study found that, first, respondents experienced a moderate to high level of well-being in their living environment. Responddents characteristics included a female majority (70%), aged 25-39 years (62.98%), and predominantly single (84.89%). The highest proportion earned a monthly income of 10,001-20,000 baht (25.74%). Most residents owned their condominiums (49.15%), lived alone (40.85%), and spent 6-12 hours a day in their condominiums (38.30%). Second, the physical aspects of condominium components that significantly impacted well-being included room features such as air quality, moderate temperature, and noise control, which residents deemed important yet unsatisfactory. Improving these aspects could significantly enhance well-being. Third, condominium characteristics that influenced well-being in living spaces included proximity to BTS and MRT stations, project type, building age, and unit size. Forth, residents with higher well-being levels often lived in low-rise condominiums within 500 meters of train stations, in buildings less than five years old, with unit sizes ranging from 30-34 square meters.

The study indicates that although condominiums did not adhere to international well-being assessment standards, residents still experienced moderate to high levels of well-being. Condominium units played a crucial role in impacting overall well-being. These findings can benefit developers and government agencies in creating condominiums that better promote residents' well-being.

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