Expansion of Habitat in the North of Bangkok, before and after Development of the MRT Pink Line

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noppakrit thanpiriyakorn
Yuwadee Siri


The objective of this research was to study the expansion of housing in the upper Bangkok area before and after the development of the MRT Pink Line. The researcher decided to 1) examine the layout of housing, utilities, and public facilities along Tiwanon Road, Chaengwattana Road, and Ramintra Road before the construction of the MRT Pink Line, 2) analyze the expansion of public utilities and facilities, and their impact on housing styles before and after the development of the MRT Pink Line, 3) compare housing developments before and after the implementation of the MRT Pink Line and, 4) investigate the alignment of international concepts and theories with the urban expansion of housing, utilities, and public facilities associated with the MRT Pink Line development between 2011 and 2024. The specified period was divided into three phases: 1) before the decision to construct the MRT Pink Line was made, 2) the commencement of the MRT Pink Line construction, and 3) the completion of the MRT Pink Line construction. The research methodology was documentary research. Data was collected through field surveys and subsequently represented in cartographic form. The data was analyzed through theoretical concepts related to urbanization.

The findings revealed that the expansion of housing in the upper Bangkok area has an impact on the development of the road network connecting the suburbs with Bangkok, resulting in low-rise housing types along main roads such as Tiwanon Road, Chaengwattana Road and Ramintra Road. It also covers shophouses along the road. When the MRT Pink Line began construction, the housing style changed to high-rise housing in some areas along the MRT Pink Line, especially at the intersection of the road and rail networks. Moreover, it significantly affected the dynamics of commerce. When the MRT Pink Line was completed, high-rise residences increased noticeably at the MRT Pink Line connection point with other electric trains. More community shopping centers are being developed in high-rise and low-rise residential areas near BTS stations. Within the Pink Line MRT station area, there are high-rise residential developments, shopping malls, and community shopping centers. Outside the MRT Pink Line station area, there are low-rise residential developments, shopping malls, and community shopping centers, following the development of residential expansion and the rail network.

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