Facility Management for Government Bank’s Office Branches: Case Study of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives

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Thammawoot Intuseth
Wanlaya Patanapiradej
Traiwat Viryasiri


Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives is a government bank that is required to build office branches to support the bank's objectives and mission. Facility management is therefore necessary to keep the building ready for use. This study aims to study and analyze facility management for office branchesproblems and obstacles in managing physical resources. Using empirical study method by survey and collect information from the area and actual use of the case study building. The obtained data and findings are then compared with related theoretical frameworks and theories.

This study found that the bank's management is divided into two parts: the head office section assigned to the administration department responsible for cooperation regarding the maintenance of office branches. Regional branch departments are departments assigned to employees in general management positions and departmentsof the branches responsible for and taking care of the office branches. The buildings are located in community areas to accommodate customers. The building’s age ranges from 5 - 44 years most of the usable space is used as a banking area, loan office, and staff accommodations. The interior and exterior of buildings that are between 5 and 15 years old and 35 years old andabove will be in good condition. Because it was new buildings and that has just been renovated. But buildings between 15 and 35 years old will be in fair condition because it has not been renovated. As for the engineering systems, it was found the buildings have all building engineering systems by standards. However, there will be problems with the sanitation system, which found problems with water leaks and bad smells in the restroom and found that the cost of maintaining the building each year was not sufficient.

 According to the study results, it can be concluded that the employees who was assigned to take care of office branches has responsibilities from the assigned routine work. Facility management is assigned additional responsibility. So there will be obstacles in managing facility management for office branches if the building is old and dilapidated. An inspection of engineering systems, details of building maintenance, and a plan for maintaining building assembly systems should be established. To be used as a tool for taking care of office branches.

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