Sidewalk Development for Promoting Access to Public Assistance of Older Persons : A Case Study of Khon Kaen City Municipality

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Panida Martnok
Panayu Chairatananonda


The concept of building a friendly city for older people by adjusting the physical environment is considered one of the crucial components of promoting older people’s better health and quality of life. Based on this tenet, designing a suitable footpath and considering older people’s needs are vital to the reduction of risks and the increase of safety in travelling, especially for older people living in Wat-Thad and Wat-Klang communities  where the proportion of the elderly has continuously, increased. The research  aimed to 1) survey the physical environment of footpath, approaching public assistance, 2) observe the elderly’s behavior and satisfaction on footpath in communities, and 3) create the proposal concept in developing the suitable footpath with the elderly’s need in city area. This research used various tools, including the questionnaire on the footpath’s physical environment to analyse problems, limitations, and footpath potentials, the interview of staff in the Engineering Division, Khon Kaen municipality and the questionnaires collecting travelling behaviour, satisfaction and attitude of elderly on the footpath in community. The data analysis used descriptive statistics. Interestingly, from 370 samples, the results of investigating the physical environment following six components in the monitoring list showed three qualified evaluations, namely 1) land utilisation in the communities, 2) linking the transportation network, and 3) beautifully attractive places for walking. However, three unqualified evaluations were 1) safety footpath availability, 2) design for all people, and 3) walking on the footpath to access public assistance and facilities. Moreover, the results from the questionnaire to study older people’s travelling behaviour, indicated that the most travelling objectives were grocery shopping and accessing the recreation sites with frequent visits three to five times per week. Furthermore, older people’s satisfaction with the community footpath was overall at a high level, This research proposed suggestions for developing a safe footpath to ensure safe walking access to facilities and public assistance.

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