Potentiality and Limitation of Linkages to Other Transportation Modes: A Case Study of Chao Phraya Express Boats
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The objectives of this research are to study the characteristics of the surrounding context and to study various transportation systems connected to Chao Phraya Express Boat piers. The aim is to identify potentials and limitations and propose guidelines for solving problems and further development for the linkage areas of Chao Phraya Express Boat piers. This involves exploring the relationship between commuter quantity, surrounding context characteristics, and the characteristics of various linkage to other transportation systems. The study includes data on building use, types and quantities of other transportation systems, nearest and farthest distances between piers and other transportation systems. Correlation Analysis method is used with comparisons of commuter volumes and different types of piers to identify key indicators and summarize the potential and limitations of Chao Phraya Express Boat linkages.
The study reveals that the surrounding context does not positively correlate with commuter quantities. However, there is a correlation between the linkage to other transportation systems in various aspects and the quantity of commuter during different day and time periods. It was found that van and minibus lines (Song-Teaw) relates to the quantity of commuter during morning rush hours for boarding passengers. The availability of options to transfer to other public transportation relates to commuter quantities during non-rush hours and weekends. Furthermore, the distance between piers and the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system correlates with commuter quantities during evening rush hours for disembarking passengers and during non-rush hours and weekends for boarding passengers.
Based on correlation analysis and comparisons of commuter volumes with different pier types to identify important indicators, it is concluded that the potential of Chao Phraya Express Boat linkages does not depend on the density and variety of building use, as in the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) concept. Instead, it depends on its ability to connect with other transportation systems, including supplement transportation systems, diverse travel options, and convenient links to the Mass Rapid Transit system. Landmarks around each pier also contribute to the potential of the Chao Phraya Express Boat. Furthermore, the study identifies limitations of Chao Phraya Express Boat linkages due to pier locations in limited development areas and far from main roads, often situated in narrow blind alleys. Consequently, these factors restrict their ability to connect with other transportation systems, resulting in piers being used only during specific time periods.
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