The Relationship between Space and Space Use Pattern of Multi-use Public and Semi-public Spaces in Central Business District Areas
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Central business districts often have high density land uses and traffic flow at their full potentials. The intense development usually make open spaces be replaced by buildings, mostly of commercial uses. However, public spaces, particularly sidewalks, are mainly used for infrastructure despite their crucial role in pedestrian flow. The project owners often make an effort to integrate their spaces with public spaces especially sidewalks to attract more pedestrian flow into the buildings. These spaces are referred to as “semi-public spaces”. The success of public and semi-public spaces in term of behaviorism is defined by their role as multi-use spaces with mix types of people, activities during mix times of use. This research aims to examine the relationship between spatial patterns and space usage in central business districts that leads to multi-use public spaces by comparing the study of western and eastern theories and research, based on urban design concepts, to propose a framework for establishing guidelines and incentives that encourage the development of quality public and semi-public spaces. The findings reveal that multi-use public and semi-public spaces in CBDs potentially engage these following spatial characteristics: 1) diverse land uses and building uses; 2) high degree of visual connection and accessibility between internal and external building spaces; 3) seamless continuity of pathway levels and materials; 4) adequate street furniture; 5) all-time accessibility and 6) highly spatial integration to the urban surrounding network. These space patterns are likely to foster vibrant multi-use public and semi-public spaces, thereby attracting mix types of people, activities in mix times.
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