การนำเสนอรูปแบบการจัดองค์การสำนักศาสนศึกษาแผนกธรรมในสังกัดคณะสงฆ์ภาค 2 (A Proposed Model for Organizing of Religious Education Institution under the Supervision of Sangha Region 2)

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พระมหาทวีศักดิ์ โชติสกฺโก (ตั้งมั่น) (Pramaha Thaweesak Chotisakko (Tangmun))
พรเทพ รู้แผน (Porntep Rupan)


This research was aimed to propose a model for organizing of Religious Education Institution, Sangha Region 2. The research was divided into 3 stages: 1) to study problems and needs to solve the problems. Studying quantitative with the sample group consisted of 364 administrators and taught religious education teachers. A research tool was a 5-rating scale questionnaire. Statistics adopted to analyze the data consisted of mean and standard deviation and studying by indepth interviews of 8 the Bureau of Religious Studies, Department of Buddhist Studies, Section 2. A research tool was Interview Statistics were analyzed by content analysis techniques; 2) to create and examine a model by focus Group of 11 experts. A research tool was a focus group interview. Statistics were analyzed by content analysis techniques, and 3) to assess the proposed model. A sample group consisted of 364 administrators and taught religious education teachers. A research instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire. Statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation.    

          The findings revealed that the proposed model was 3 models which were Model 1: organizing based on professional bureaucratic Organization; Model 2: organizing based on project organization, and Model 3: organizing based on team organization.

Article Details



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