ครู กับการพัฒนาสมรรถนะผู้เรียน (Teachers and Learners’ Competencies Development)
ครู, สมรรถนะ, ผู้เรียนบทคัดย่อ
Competency is a behavior that demonstrates a person ’s ability to apply his/her knowledge skills and attitudes/attributes in working living and solving problems .There are four steps to develop the learners’ competencies : 1) determine competencies and related details 2) implement instruction focus on active learning and deep learning to develop necessary attitudes/attributes skills and knowledge 3) implement instruction focus on practicing and doing in real situations 4) measuring and assessing competency by using situations. Teachers have a critical role in developing learners to have competencies . To develop learners to have competencies teachers need to have at least six essential characteristics : 1) be more compassion and compassion and generosity 2) has instructional skills to develop the learners’ competency 3) has motivational skills to inspire and encourage attitudes/attributes 4) curiosity and yearn to learning 5) be an active citizenship and 6) has tech-savvy.
Khemmani, T. (2021). Guidelines for the Development of School Competency Based
Curriculum. Copy Document. (in Thai)
Ministry of Education, Singapore. (2010). The Leading Academy for Professional Excellence in Education. Sharing by Mr Chan Yew Wooi Duputy Director, Professional Development Branch August 11, 2014. (Mimeographed).
Office of the Education Council. (2020). Guidelines for the Development of Learner
Competency for Learners at the Basic Education. Pranakorn Sri Ayutthaya, Tienwatana
Printing Co. Ltd.
_____________. (2019). Thai Education Quality. Independent Committee for Education
Reform (ICER) Report. (in Thai )