The Human Rights and the Process of Protecting Persons from Enforced Disappearances: Case study of 86 Persons Subjected to Enforced Disappearance in Thailand


  • Preeda Photijan Independent Scholar


Enforced disappearance, Protection of persons from enforced disappearance, Human rights


Enforced disappearances in Thailand are a measure of violence used to suppress groups of people with different opinions or eliminate the suspects. Which is an act beyond the principles of justice and human rights. Information as of 28 August 2019 of the United Nations Stated that there are 86 people missing in Thailand, both from political events, Tamil May incident in 1992, Conflict in the southern border provinces, War on drugs during the year 2003 – 2015 including the recovery of forests in the NCPO era in Thailand, in which the disappearance of Thailand occurred in a large number of news cases. But to date, there is still no law supporting the enforced disappearance as a crime.
This academic paper presents the meaning of enforced disappearances and the situation of enforced disappearances in Thailand from the past to the present. As well as criticizing the process and measures for protecting persons from enforced disappearances in Thailand. This paper gathers, analyzes, and synthesize data and information from researches and articles, news reports and documents related to the issue and scrutinize the process for protecting persons from enforced disappearances in Thailand.
According to studies, it has been found that More than 42 percent of activists were forced to disappear, ethnic groups and the general public were forced to disappear more than 22 percent, witnesses in important cases and those who have relationships with officials are forced to disappear Because there are special laws that allow the actions of officials to cause such phenomena. 5 recommendations drawn from the study are as following; (1) Passing the Bill on Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearances (2) must have an independent investigation of cases of enforced disappearances (3) Healing of the lost relatives ( 4) The term of the case of enforced disappearances (5) Enforced disappearances must clearly distinguish the offense and base of offense


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