Rescue Volunteers: Making Sense with Numbers: Ethico-Psychological Subjects and Social Sensorium


  • Sumonmarn Singha


Ethico-psychological, Epidemiology, Ambulanceethnography, Social sensorium, Ontology


This article aims to understand the methodology of "statistical" representation of bureaucratic classifications which are constructed and negotiated, a reform and political boundaries of emergency service. This study draws on ethnographic method in Bangkok
suburb street where I conducted participatory observation with the rescue volunteers, emergency operational victims of road accidents, NGOs and bureaucrats. Findings show the knowledge of emergence epidemiology, whereby the evaluation of critical assistance relies on numbers and statistics, is totally compartmentalized, treated victims as a separated unit of information, apart from social interaction. The finding from face-to-face interview with 14 rescue volunteers reflect mix methodology between quantification operational authorities in terms of emergence epidemiology and emergency care experience of the volunteer communities, challenging the standard way “command and control” mode that cope with emergency and disaster management. The article concludes that rescue volunteers’ resistance reflects ordinary ethics and social sensorium in everyday life.


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