The Standard Indicators’ Development of Thai Dessert Shop Business for Foreign Markets


  • Nusara Saengaram
  • Siwarat Kobayashi
  • Prin Laksitamas


Indicators, Specified Standard, Thai Dessert Shop Business, Foreign Markets


The research aimed to study, (1) developing and checking validity of standard indicators’ Thai dessert shop business for foreign markets and (2) setting the standard indicators’ Thai dessert shop business for foreign markets. The questionnaires were
constructed as a research tool for collecting data from 932 Thai entrepreneurs in dessert shop business and the data was statistically analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA.
The research finding indicated that the specified standard indicators of Thai dessert shops business for foreign markets developed parallel with the empirical data, consisted of 44 indicators from 11 components. Each component had its convergent
validity because the constructed validity valued of 0.60 and weighed component passed over 0.30. As for all specified developed indicators of Thai dessert shops business for foreign markets by total net marks into 5 levels of not passing standard (1 star) (<50%);
below standard (2 stars); (≥50-5 9%) standard (3 stars) (≥60-6 9%); good of standard (4 stars) (≥70-89%) and excellent (5 stars) (≥90-100%).


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How to Cite

Saengaram, N. ., Kobayashi, S. ., & Laksitamas, P. . (2020). The Standard Indicators’ Development of Thai Dessert Shop Business for Foreign Markets. Thammasat Journal, 39(1), 92–116. retrieved from


