Psychosocial Assessment for Medical Social Worker in Palliative Care


  • Sukanya Meesakulthong Thammasat University


Psychosocial assessment, Medical social worker, Palliative care


Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life for end-stage patients and their family for overcoming obstacles with the help of interdisciplinary team. The purpose of this article is to review literature about psychosocial assessment in palliative care.

The result showed that objective of medical social work services is medical support for helping patients and their family adjust and live with well-being. It harmonizes with palliative care approach. Based on medical social work, psychosocial assessment tool has two important characteristics (1) qualitative assessments (2) quantitative assessments. Both tools provide guidelines for assessing patients, their family and social support. Qualitative assessments providing details and evaluations in holistic while quantitative assessments focus on specific factors and scale assessment. It is useful in terms of data processing and statistical summarization. Nevertheless, each type of evaluation has different limitations. The resolution and coverage of the qualitative assessments depend on the skills of the medical social worker and quantitative assessments have limitations on interpretation of questions, lack of questions regarding coping of patients and caregivers, and may not allowed by patients and primary caregiver because their physical conditions are not conducive to answering the questionnaire or unwilling to answer the questionnaire.

The suggestion for psychosocial assessments in palliative care is the combination of qualitative assessments and quantitative assessments. Social workers should qualitatively assess before quantitative assess and repeated qualitative assessments and quantitative assessments to assess in depth and compare change.


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