Privacy on Personal Data Disclosure for Financial Transactions


  • Onjira Khanngoen Thammasat University
  • Amonrat Asawaphatiboon Thammasat University
  • Natthawut Phanthachai Thammasat University
  • Phanmile Bokkhunthot Thammasat University


Privacy, Disclose personal information, Financial transaction, Personal data, Thammasat University student


This research aims to 1) explore the privacy of Thammasat University Rangsit Campus ‘present students’ disclosure of financial transactions, and 2) study factors which influence Thammasat University Rangsit Campus 'students’ consent to disclose their
personal data. This research is conducted through online survey of a sample group of the total number of 27,528 students at Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, using the R.V. Krejcie & D.W. Morgan table to determine the sample size, and this study has collected data from a sample group of 197 students.
The research findings are that the banks’ data collection measures influence the disclosure of students' information in financial transactions. According to the study, senior students and higher are more likely to decide to disclose their information if the banks offer attractive benefits. In addition, financial transaction location is another factor that give rise to concerns about privacy of data storage. However, considering this connection for financial transactions executed at branches, concerns about data storage and privacy of data disclosure are interrelated, whereas such factor which persuades the students' consent to disclose their information relies on trust depending on privacy in terms of data quality, purposes of data collection, restricted use of data, data security and accountability.


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