Corruption Prevention Achievement of Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner


  • Bongkoch Sudasna Na Ayudhaya North Chiang Mai University


Achievement, Corruption Prevention, Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner


The purposes of the research are to examine the performance of duty in the corruption prevention aspect of the Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner, to analyze the performance of duty results in the corruption prevention aspect of the Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner, and to analyze the problems in order to get an effective anti-corruption guideline. Data were collected from 246 people in 25 districts of Chiang Mai Province. The data were collected by using nine sets. The research found that the evaluation of the performance of duty in the corruption prevention aspect of Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner was increased significantly at 0.05, which showed the knowledge result of the target group was high according to the hypothesis setting. The suggestions from all the sampling groups were consistency as follows: (1) should provide more authority for the Chiang Mai Provincial Anti-Corruption Commissioner in order to be a dependency section for people in the area, instead of only giving them the knowledge about corruption prevention, (2) should provide people handouts, use new technology and media, or create interesting activities more than only giving a lecture, (3) should provide more convenient complaint channels for people and pay more attention on protecting witnesses who inform about the corruption in the area, (4) should organize anti-corruption campaigns through all participation sectors, especially civil society in order to stimulate the consciousness of Chiang Mai people to be aware of the negative effects of corruption, instead of only being campaigned as a symbol, and (5) should promote public relation workers become more professional and dare to report the truth to the public also try to work on the news continuously until the anti-corruption current occur. Therefore, in Chiang Mai, the cases of corruption should be published weekly to the mass media at the press conference at the Chiang Mai Provincial Service Center for building the trust and being a proactive working. Moreover, presenting news of corruption is raising awareness of cheating in the area and disclosing the corruption news via the website of the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission of Chiang Mai Province.


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