A Lesson Learnt from Scaling Social Enterprise Program


  • Nuntavarn Vichit-Vadakan Thammasat University
  • Nattinee Sae-Ho Thrive Venture Builder Co.Ltd.


Social enterprises, Potential, Lesson learnt


This project aimed to increase competencies of social entrepreneurs to develop and design their
products and services in order to address economic, social, and environmental issues in the Thai society toward their sustainable growth. The program supported five social enterprises by 1) organizing workshops and training to increase business development and other skills, 2) providing personal coaching for each enterprise, 3) provide grants up to 300,000 baht per enterprise, and 4) organizing a market place to showcase their products and services including consulting session with investors for feedbacks and suggestions.
The project evaluation indicated five factors that affect the potential of the enterprises and their
development success, which are 1) teamwork and clear direction of the enterprise, 2) a concrete business model, 3) utilization of mentorship with a coach for each enterprise, and 4) adaptivity and flexibility mindset. Moreover, the social enterprises whose operations are systematic, provided a road map, and concise social impact goals, as well as, targeting the general population had higher success in expanding their growth.

However, factors that may deter success included 1) lack of working process, 2) staff recruitment
due to lack of working process, as well as, human resource management where the founder assumes many functions, 3) lack of consistency, cross sharing of experiences, and coaching platform, 4) lack of entrepreneur mindset with the overemphasis on social impact and downplaying the business growth.

The recommendations that may lead to scaling the social enterprise effectively are 1) expand this
program or similar to 2 years to allow enough time to evaluate the outcomes 2) offer training programs on a continual basis 3) develop a sustainable and continual support system for social enterprise 4) organize a platform connecting the social entrepreneurs and investors periodically 5) put in place, a mechanism where social entrepreneurs can access investors and vice versa.


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