Instructional Model Focusing on Coaching and Mentoring Support Personnel of Thammasat University


  • Worapon Wilaem Thammasat University


Instructional model, Coaching, Mentoring


The objectives of this experimental research were: 1) to construct and find efficiency of Instructional model focusing on Coaching and Mentoring follow 80/80 standard criteria. 2) Compare learning effectiveness of academic support personal between pretest and posttest model focusing on Coaching and Mentoring. 3) evaluate the learner’s satisfaction. Which is a pilot study. The research sample were 18 academic support personal, that were selected volunteer from academic support personal form Thammasat University Rangsit Compus. The independent variables were Instructional model focusing on Coaching. The dependent variable was efficiency, learner’s satisfaction. The data were collected by 5 level questionnaires and analyzed by using SPSS for Window V. 13.0
The research results shown that the Instructional model focusing on Coaching and Mentoring had efficiency at (E1/E2) 81.59/82.63 that was higher than the criterion set of 80/80. The comparison of learning effectiveness of academic support personal between pretest and posttest shown that posttest mean score was higher than the pretest mean score with statistically significant level of .05. The learner’s satisfaction level after using Instructional model focusing on Coaching and Mentoring all aspect is very satisfying.
Therefore, Instructional model focusing on Coaching and Mentoring should be introduced as a guideline for Organize training for interested personnel in the future.


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