Authentic Experiential Learning


  • Wassana Chakkaew Suan Dusit University Lampang Center
  • Subsiri Seneewong Na Ayuttaya Suan Dusit University Lampang Center
  • Sarat Ritronsak Suan Dusit University Lampang Center
  • Nichara Raweeyan Suan Dusit University Lampang Center


Teaching Management, Authentic Experiential Learning


Experienced-based teaching is a student-centered teaching method which the teacher believes that the students can learn from their own experiences in which the teacher is the only person who facilitates the learners' learning and self-understanding process. There are 5 stages of the method: presentation and exchange of experiences, discussion stage, summary of allusion, and application stage. This process will empower students to understand the content and can be applied to both oneself, family, and others.


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