Sexual Desire and Gender Ideology: Translation Strategies of Erotic Motives in “Shanghai Baby”


  • Wuttipong Prapantamit Kasetsart University
  • Kanokporn Numtong Kasetsart University


Gender Ideology, Translation Strategies, Erotic Motives, Shanghai Baby, Wei Hui


In literature, erotic motives represented sexual desire and aesthetics of human sexual arousal and revealed a writer’s gender ideology. Correspondingly, translators’ gender identities and ideology were also accordant with these components, for they
arranged justice for their identities through their translation techniques when the novel was translated into foreign languages. The research objective was to study translators’ gender ideology and connotation of their translation strategies for erotic motives in
Chinese literature named Shanghai Baby by Wei Hui. The text would be compared with an English-translated version by Bruce Humes, a directly translated version from Chinese, and a Thai translation by Kam Phaka, translated from English. The study found that the translators purposely connote their viewpoint through various translation strategies, such as omission, substitution, partial translation, adjustment, addition, and euphemism. Consequently, the study depicted that the translators’ genders were the relevant factors for communicating the erotic motives to readers. Also, this feature functioned as a space to form identity and subdue each other between males and females through language aesthetics, which passionately and intensely portrayed the characters’ desire for their sexual intercourse movement.


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