Parental Influences on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills among 15-Year-Old Thai Students: Lessons Learned from PISA


  • Akkaranai Kwanyou Thammasat University
  • Watinee Wichaiya Thammasat University


Capital, Cognitive Skills, Non-cognitive Skills, Pierre Bourdieu, Sociology


This article aims to investigate the levels of cognitive and non-cognitive skills of 15-year-old Thai students, and to examine causal relations between parental capital and those skills. More specifically, the study analyzes a sample of 8,249 15-year-old Thai students across the country from a database of OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) through the prism of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of economic capital and cultural capital. The research anticipates paying more attention to both cognitive and non-cognitive skills of Thai students in educational policymaking. Results of statistical analysis reveal that male students have lower cognitive skills than female students, and private school students have those skills higher than public school students. In analyzing non-cognitive skills among these students, both male and female students have the same score level for these skills. However, governmental school students appear to have higher non-cognitive skills than private school students. Considering the causal relationship between parental capital and those two skills with the “ Structural Equation Model,” levels of parents’ economic and cultural capital significantly affect the cognitive skills of these students. In addition, students' non-cognitive skills would also contribute to their cognitive skills. The root means square error (RMSE) was 0.071 and the goodness of fit (GFI) was 0.874. The finding of this research highlights the inequality of parents’ economic and cultural capital in relation to their students’ skills. This article provides policy recommendations to further improve student skills, especially for schools: to allocate educational resources for students from low-income families, pay attention to students’ aesthetic activities, encourage their family involvement, and focus more on developing their cognitive and non-cognitive skills.


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How to Cite

Kwanyou, A. ., & Wichaiya, W. (2022). Parental Influences on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills among 15-Year-Old Thai Students: Lessons Learned from PISA. Thammasat Journal, 41(2), 152–176. retrieved from


