The Roles of Family, Teachers, and Peer Group and the Effects on Online Interaction Etiquette of University Students in Bangkok


  • Titinan Pewnil Ramkhamhaeng University


Roles of family, Roles of teachers, Roles of peer group, Netiquette, Online interaction


This research aims to study the relationship between online interaction and roles of family, teachers, and students and social etiquette in online interaction of students in Bangkok. This research employed both quantitative research method using multiple probability sampling of 1,200 samples from 8 universities in Bangkok, and qualitative method using an in-depth interview of 40 participants. This research was conducted in the 2018 and 2019 academic years. The multiple regression analysis was applied for analyzing the quantitative relationship, whereas the qualitative research was conducted via typological data analysis and content analysis. The results showed that the roles of friends played a crucial part, and the family members ranked second. The roles of regulation showed that the family played this role highest, while friends were second. For the part of fostering online-interaction etiquette, the family role was higher than friends and teachers. However, multiple analyses of regression coefficient found that the more family and friends engage in students’ online interaction, the stricter the etiquette increased. On the contrary, the engagement in online interaction of the teachers had decreased students’ awareness of others. This study pointed out that teachers’ roles in encouraging students’ awareness were still very few. At a policy implementation level, there would be a self-learning lesson on online etiquette for young people from what happened along with an emphasis on critical thinking. Besides, the roles of family and teachers in giving up-to-date advice are of significance.


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