Building Resilience for Internal Migration from Hotel and Restaurant Businesses During the Crisis of The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Charoenchai Agmapisarn National Institute of Development
  • Saovanee Chantapong Bank of Thailand


Internal migration, Resilience, Pandemic, COVID-19, Hotel and restaurant business


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the global economy including Thailand, a country that very much relies on tourism section. The crisis has forced many countries to take measures to prevent the spread of the outbreak including social distancing and lockdowns resulting in the disruption of tourism and service businesses and leading to severe volatility, particularly the hotel and restaurant businesses where a large share of employment is found. This has led to layoffs amongst a large number of employees, who often returned home during the pandemic. As hotel and restaurant businesses are highly vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis, this research aims to explore the concept of “resilience” among internal migrants. Using in-depth interviews with 69 internal migrants in the hotel and restaurant sector through a multistage sampling method, the results show that building resilience for internal migrants has included extra income making, cuts in spending, money-saving, and social skill development for building a relationship with people. This is a part of the fight for survival created by unusual events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and is also a way to adapt themselves with changes in their future.


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How to Cite

Agmapisarn, C., & Chantapong, S. (2022). Building Resilience for Internal Migration from Hotel and Restaurant Businesses During the Crisis of The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic. Thammasat Journal, 41(3), 90–115. Retrieved from


