Food Tourism in Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Charoenchai Agmapisarn National Institute of Development
  • Warit Chaowanasilp National Institute of Development


Food, Food tourism, Tourist behavior, COVID-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on tourist behavior, which affected food tourism in Thailand. This academic article reviews and synthesizes the main contributions of books, academic literature, research articles, and media commentary that is relevant to food tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic with an emphasis on food tourism and tourist behavior related to food in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study aims to analyze and forecast the direction of change for Thailand’ s food tourism. This will lead to the development of food tourism and the food industry in Thailand. This study contributes to some thoughts on making the stakeholders more
resilient in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concludes that there are trends apparent in the food tourism sectors. Trends of food tourism in the future are including “using the digital platform”, “getting back to basics”, “valuing local” and “food for wellbeing” , emphasizing that good food experiences do not have to be complicated nor expensive. Tourists focus on simplicity, value local food, and focus on food safety as well as healthy food that affects both physical and mental health.


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How to Cite

Agmapisarn, C. ., & Chaowanasilp, W. (2022). Food Tourism in Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Thammasat Journal, 41(3), 116–138. retrieved from


