Anek Laothamatas’s Perspectives and Suggestions about the Status and Roles of the Monarchy in Thai Democracy


  • Nattaya Suksanguan Chulalongkorn University


AnekLaothamatas, Political Thought, Democracy, The Monarchy, Thai Politics


The article aims to study Anek Laothamatas’s political thoughts in search of the new meaning of democracy for Thai politics, that correlate with the status and roles of the monarchy in Thai democracy, through perspectives and interpretations relating to the monarchy in Thai political history. This article also studies Anek’ s suggestions about the status and roles of the monarchy in Thai democracy. This research applies the methodology of political thought to study and analyze the political ideas in some issues on one’s person that have already thought and presents publicly his ideas. The study indicates that Anek’ s political thoughts on the status and roles of the monarchy in Thai democracy are publicly divided into three periods. In the first period, Anek’ s writings before 2006 presented ways of democratic development for Thailand based on principles of Western democracy, and also mentioned about the status and roles of the king and the monarchy in Thai political history. He intended to preserve the king as head of state and together with the monarchy, but he understated some clear recommendations on those issues. Secondly, along with the rise of “Thaksina-Prachaniyom” – the populist policies widely implemented by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra – Anek recommended giving the status and roles of the king and the monarchy in Thai democracy through “ the Mixed Regime”. The king and the monarchy have the status of “the one” for the purpose of balancing power with other elements of democracy. Lastly, Anek approves giving the status and roles of the king and the monarchy as one of the components of the unique Thai democracy. He also recommends instituting and developing Thai democracy in the form of ‘the Mixed Regime’, in which the king and the monarchy have the status as “the one”, in order to harmonize with the genuine power and culture of Thailand


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