The Effect of Enhancing Analytical Thinking on Creative Problem Solving Activities in Government Staffs
Analytical thinking, Creative problem solving, Government StaffAbstract
The research was a quasi-experimental research design with a pre-test – posttest control group design. The purposes of this study were to compare the result between government staff who were and were not involved in enhancing analytical thinking on creative problem-solving activities; to compare the result of creative thinking before and after being involved in enhancing analytical thinking on creative problem-solving activities. The sample consisted of 97 government staff and was divided into an experimental group of 52 people and a control group of 45 people. The experimental group used creative problem solving consisting of 4 processes: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement. The research instruments included a creative problem-solving process and analytical thinking and a t-test for an independent sample was used to analyze the hypothesis of this study.
The results of the research can be summarized as follows: 1) After the creative problemsolving process, the experimental group showed a significant total analytical thinking scores higher than the control group at .01. 2) The result of the research found that after the creative problem-solving process, the experimental group showed a significant posttest analytical thinking scores higher than the pretest positive thinking score at .05.
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