The Study of Housing Policy for the Older Person (Senior Complex)


  • Pannawat Thuenklin Mahidol University
  • Sutthida Chuanwan Mahidol University


Seniors' housing, Senior complex


A senior complex is one of the measures to assist the elderly in an aging society by building residences for the elderly. This study’s objective is to analyze measures to place of living for the elderly. This study conducted a documental literature review and in-depth interviews comprising government organizations, and academic sectors. In order to achieve the objectives, the study applied the Walt and Gilson conceptual frameworks (policy triangle framework). The implication of this study is to reflect the senior complex’s concept, process, and context. This study’s results reflected that the senior complex could be one of the options for the elderly who remain in condition and financially prepared to live in the housing and care. The linkage of the main components that the conceptual framework has presented is policy context from the transformation of society into an aging society which increases the need for appropriate services for the
elderly in terms of housing. The content of the policy has set forth objectives to support and provide alternatives for receiving services. Actors of this measure are government agencies due to its availability of budget and resources. They also cooperate with expert organizations for care and service systems for the elderly. In order for each policy process, each actor implements and jointly follows the objectives of the senior complex details.


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